In December 1994, the Board of Managers initiated by resolution for a new project to establish an off-channel impoundment in the vicinity of sections 3 and 10 of Brandt Township, Polk County, MN. Construction of the impoundment started in 1999 and has been operational since 2001. The project site is on 960 acres is located 30 channel miles upstream of the Red River of the North. The total estimated cost of the project is $3.3 million.
The drainage area above the project is approximately 23.4 square miles. The project can store 4,505 acre-feet of water (5.2 inches of run-off) up to the primary spillway. The inlet structure is a 12′ x 8′ reinforced concrete box culvert and the outlet is a two-stage outlet with the lower stage a 48″ reinforced concrete box culvert. The embankment length is 5 miles and consists of approximately 750,000 cubic yards of earthen fill.
The Red River Watershed Management Board funded approximately 85% of the cost of Angus Oslo #4 Project construction costs. The MRSRWD paid approximately 15% with additional funding from a State of Minnesota Flood Damage Reduction Program Grant.